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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

I no longer have an earthly father, but I celebrate today because I am graced with a heavenly one. My earthly papa had a difficult time showing love, probably because his own father decamped when he was two. I grieve for the loss of what might have been for each of us. But my heavenly Father showers all who come, all who ask, with affection. Greater love hath no man.

So, on this day, I celebrate. And I thank the good Lord, my Abba Father, for the gift of His Love in the form of His Son. I thank Him also for the gift of the most precious husband a woman could want. I may have found him late in life, but I sail the seas with a best friend, a gracious lover, a bond servant of my Lord, and the best mechanic anyone on a boat could ever hope for! Glory! Thank you, Lord, for my husband, a father in his own right, and a step-father to my two: J. Michael Fischer, extraordinary captain of Sea Venture.

He is also quite the photographer. This is the sunset we enjoyed last night in La Paz. It is growing hot and humid here. Time to move on. So, as soon as Mr. Fischer finishes stocking the pipe and fittings he needs for the next projects, we will head north.

 And here is our resident night heron. He lives usually on the bobstay, but this evening, he came to roost on the bow pulpit. Michael caught this just before the heron squawked loudly and took off.