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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Come and See What We've Done!

Okay. All of you who have subscriptions or are notified via email when I post, things have changed. On, our new Wordpress Blog/website, I just found out I can import all of the blogs from here. SO THAT"S WHERE YOU NEED TO VISIT!!!!

I'm sorry, but those of you who were notified via email need to sign up for a subscription now as I haven't found a place for me to insert your emails. Please do so. Then, every time I post, it will send you the text, just as if I were sending an email. It seems to be just a click of a button, so it won't be hard to do!

For those not familiar with subscribing: there's a link at the near-top right of the new blog. It says something like, "Hey, there....RSS..." You want to click on the RSS thingy. Then you'll know when I feel creative enough or have enough to say that I add to the blog. 

That seems to be the only downside I've discovered so far. If you see others, let me know.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

New Website/New Blog

I'm giving Wordpress a chance. They allow additional pages, which means our website and blog can hang out together. I wish Blogger did the same, but I couldn't find a way to make that happen.

Come on over and take a gander, will you? Let me know what you think.

I can always change back, but this seems a simple solution. If it works well enough, I'll change my writing blog and website next fall when the hosting company sends me a new invoice.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Puerto Escondido

Yesterday, we slithered up the twenty-some miles to Escondido. And I mean, slithered. What a difference a clean bottom makes when trying to cover ground by boat. I mentioned the slog out of La Paz, barely a knot over water. Michael took care of that in the bahia when he cleaned the prop. But we still had trouble getting over five knots of boat speed all the way to Agua Verde. Then, yesterday, lookee there: almost eight knots through the water. Amazing. So, that's why all the racers keep their boats out of the water between races or dive on them and clean, clean, clean. The La Paz magote just didn't invite diving, you know? Yes, we've had our typhoid shots, but still....

We should have gone sailing, but there were all those projects to finish. It seems there are always projects. Michael finished the aft cabin air conditioning system in Agua Verde -- good man -- and now he's doing some refitting of the pilothouse a/c. This morning is so cool I can't imagine needing it. But just a few days ago, my only recourse was a chilled gel pack on my skin and a big fan blowing. Good to be prepared.

We don't know how long we'll remain in Escondido. It's supposed to be a good hurricane hole. It's also just a short sail from Loreto, Isla Carmen, and, yes, Aqua Verde. We have Internet access here, which we've decided is a must for keeping in touch with folks like my agent and our family.

Agua Verde again

Oh, my, how lovely this place is. We found the small southerly cove empty except for two motorboats enjoying the day. By nightfall, Sea Venture was alone. During the next few days, Michael and I scraped the boat's bottom, removing the detritus we'd picked up in La Paz. Evenings, sport fishing boats would come to park, but they left in the morning, giving us back our bay and our peace. Michael made friends with a number of very curious and very friendly porcupine fish. They would see him donning his flippers and congregate, waiting for a barnacle meal, coming so close that he could touch them. Even though their spines can be poisonous, they seem sweet little critters.

Michael takes a rest as he floats near the boat.

Climbing out. We love that swim step.

And, of course, the perfect place to make water means the perfect place to do laundry.

Sea Venture, the work boat -- keeping  cool under the awning, laundry on the foredeck.

And, finally, an Agua Verde sunset.

Pictures from San Evaristo June 2010

The moon rising.

A guest who hitched a ride on our bimini from Evaristo to Agua Verde.