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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Come and See What We've Done!

Okay. All of you who have subscriptions or are notified via email when I post, things have changed. On, our new Wordpress Blog/website, I just found out I can import all of the blogs from here. SO THAT"S WHERE YOU NEED TO VISIT!!!!

I'm sorry, but those of you who were notified via email need to sign up for a subscription now as I haven't found a place for me to insert your emails. Please do so. Then, every time I post, it will send you the text, just as if I were sending an email. It seems to be just a click of a button, so it won't be hard to do!

For those not familiar with subscribing: there's a link at the near-top right of the new blog. It says something like, "Hey, there....RSS..." You want to click on the RSS thingy. Then you'll know when I feel creative enough or have enough to say that I add to the blog. 

That seems to be the only downside I've discovered so far. If you see others, let me know.