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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Sistership's New Owner

If you go down several posts to the one of me looking up into the pilothouse, you'll note how pristine that boat is. As I mentioned in the comments below it--several posts below (I was just learning how to do this)--you'll notice I mention that it's a sister ship. She is called Suete Deern and she's getting a grand overhaul by her new owners. Very exciting to hear from them.

What's going on

On one of the few non-drizzly days when M. actually got to the boat, he took more sunset photos. They'll give you something to look at while you're waiting for updates on boat work. I just wish the boat were ready to live on so we could see these things every night!

It's been a while since I've posted anything because there hasn't been much progress to report. Michael's been trapped at work, 59 hours one week, 76 the next, three Saturdays in a row. We hope that's coming to an end. He plans to bring the kitchen cabinet walls (see earlier post) home this weekend to add the Wilsonart (Formica-type) to the sides. We're going with a glossy white. I think it will be beautiful behind the mahogony drawers and doors.

The counter top was going to be a Corian product we bought when we still planned to redo the galley in the pilothouse. It goes wonderfully with my new moss green cushion covers (no, it's not green), but not so well with the lovely fabric on the new lower salon cushions. So, it gets relegated to the counters we will retain in the pilot house--above the refrigerator and at the base of the companionway stairs, above the freezer. We'll also use it to replace some not very lovely marble in the two heads. In the new galley, we're going with a rather high end Wilsonart--quite glamorous really--called Deepstar Bronze. I'll try to get M. to take a photograph (my camera isn't behaving itself) when he and the camera get home. Or you can check it out at